Podcasts to Help With Recovery

Resources/ Podcasts to Help With Recovery

In addition to therapy and group support you can enhance your recovery through additional resources. Today I want to take a look at a few podcasts that are available and relevant to recovery, specifically towards betrayal trauma. It’s easy to listen to a podcast while driving, exercising, or walking in your neighbourhood, however it can be difficult to know where to start. Most podcasts are free so there’s little risk in downloading one episode to see if you enjoy the speaker(s) and if you resonate with the messages before subscribing.


The Betrayed The Addicted & The Expert

Brannon Patrick, LCSW & Coby & Ashlynn Mitchell.
Brannon Patrick, LCSW & Coby & Ashlynn Mitchell.


Each week Ashlynn (the betrayed spouse), Coby (the person recovery from a pornography addiction) and Brannon (the therapist) discuss topics related to recovery such as building trust, how to recovery from a slip, and communication. Having Ashlynn and Coby share their personal struggles and successes in such a vulnerable way makes this podcast enjoyable and easy to listen to. It’s as if you’ve sat down to coffee with all three for an honest and open conversation.


Beyond Bitchy, Mastering The Art of Boundaries

Vicki Tidwell Palmer, the author of Moving Beyond Betrayal: The 5 Step Boundary Solution For Partners of Sex Addicts
Vicki Tidwell Palmer, the author of Moving Beyond Betrayal: The 5 Step Boundary Solution For Partners of Sex Addicts


This podcast is packed with information regarding boundaries. If you’re looking for examples, explanations and deep reflection on why boundaries might be helpful and how to begin living them this podcast is for you. Vicki Tidwell Palmer clearly values boundaries and is committed to giving you information that can aid you in saying NO to something you you can say YES to something else (taken from Tidwell Palmer’s podcast).



Sex, Love, & Addiction 101



An enthusiastic and passionate Robert Weiss hosts this podcast that focuses on the knowledge, opinion and advice of experts in the field of recovery. Sex, Love, & Addiction 101 focuses on the person suffering from a sex or love addiction and also the impacts on betrayed partner. This podcast stays up to date with the latest research and therapeutic models that can help spouses of sexually addicted individuals heal.



Tara Brach

Tara Brach, guided meditation teacher and author of Radical Acceptance: Embracing Your Life With the Heart of a Buddha
Tara Brach, guided meditation teacher and author of Radical Acceptance: Embracing Your Life With the Heart of a Buddha


Although this podcast does not address betrayal trauma specifically Tara Brach’s teachings and meditations can be helpful in developing a self compassionate practice that aids in recovery. Tara Brach mixes humour, stories and insights to explore radical acceptance and sitting with the emotions and experiences of the moment.



Resources addressing betrayal trauma are evolving as the understanding and treatment of the experience becomes less stigmatized and better understood. Tapping into the free resources can truly break feelings of isolation and deepen the recovery experience.


What type of podcasts do you find helpful? What podcasts am I missing?